249 vol. 2 Sight reduction tables for air navigation. Latitudes 0º-40º. Declinations 0º-29º. Volume 2

249 vol. 2 Sight reduction tables for air navigation. Latitudes 0º-40º. Declinations 0º-29º. Volume 2

Formato papel

[Sin existencias. Plazo de entrega breve]

PVP. 52,00€

249 vol. 2 Sight reduction tables for air navigation. Latitudes 0º-40º. Declinations 0º-29º. Volume 2


Table 1 - Altitude Correction for Change in Positiono of Observer
Table 2 - Altitude Correction for Change in Position of Body
Table 3 - Conversion of Arc to Time
Navigational Stars
Tables: Introduction:
-Description of Tables
-Entering Arguments and Arrangement
-Use of Tables
-Use of Correcting Tables
-Special Techniques

Formato papel

[Sin existencias. Plazo de entrega breve]

PVP. 52,00€

Otros libros de PUB. NO. 249