Diving the Red Sea
Ghisotti, Andrea
- Editorial: White Star Publishers
- ISBN: 978-88-8095-952-6
- Fecha de edición: 2003
- Idioma: Inglés
- Encuadernación: Rústica
- Dimensiones:
0 cm x 0 cm
- Nº páginas: 168
- Materias: Submarinismo y deportes acuáticos / Submarinismo /
Israel: Japanese Gardens; Moses Rock; Dolphin Reef Eilat; Wreck on Suffa; Wreck on Neetz. Jordan: Wreck of Cedar Pride; Power Station. Northern Egypt: Nuweiba - The Pipeline; Dahab - The Blue Hole; Reefs of Tiran Island; Ras Umm Sid; Ras Atar; Ras Mohammad; Beacon Rock (wreck of Dunraven); Alternative Reef; Stingray Station; Sha'ab Ali (wreck of Thistlegorm); Bluff Point (Gobal); Sha'ab Abu Nuhás (wrecks of Carnatic and Ghiannis D.); Siyul Kebira Island; Blind Reef; Umm Gamar Island; Blind Reef; Umm Gamar Island; Shabrur Umm Gamar; Carless Reef; Giftun Seghir; Erg Abu Ramada; Brothers Island. Southern Egypt: Dedalus Reef; Dolphin Reef; Sha'ab Mahsur; Zabargad Island; Rocky Island. Sudan: Angarosh; Sha'ab Su'adi (wreck on Blue Bell); Sha'ab Rumi (Punta Sud); Sha'ab Rumi (remains of Precontinent II); Sanganeb; Wingate Reef (wreck of Umbria). Eritrea: Dahlak Islands: Difnein Island; Seil Island; Mojeidi Island. The Fish of the Red Sea.